Sunday, November 15, 2009


Just thought I would write a quick update today. Its Sunday evening here in Frankfurt and I'm sitting outside Starbucks having a latte (its one of the only places open on Sundays here... Anyways... 2 of my friends will be coming to Germany to visit.

Collin arrives December 29th in the morning and will be here
until the 8th of January. During his visit I plan on showing him
much of Frankfurt and in early January we will go to Spain to visit his friends there from his study abroad.

Shortly after Collin's departure, my friend Amy will arrive. She gets in on Friday January 15th and will stay until the 26th of January. I will of course show her the sights here in Frankfurt, but I'm sure we will take a few trips to neighboring cities or maybe even further :-)

My trip to Berlin is quickly approaching and I couldn't be more
excited :-) As for classes and such, they are all going well. I think I get a paper assigned rather soon in one of my courses, but it shouldn't be too bad.

Anyone else who wants to visit, you're more than welcome to come!

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