Well, as it turns out, I decided to go to Stuttgart on Saturday for an Oktoberfest Celebration. We left our dorm around 7am (well with Austin time it was about 7:15am) and walked to the U-Bahn. We made our way to the Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof (main train station) and purchased our train tickets for the trip. It only cost us 7 Euro per person for the train ride there and back. About 3 and a half hours later we were in Stuttgart and ready to start the celebration. After the day was said and done, each of us had done our very best and polished off a few liters each. From my calcuations, I ingested somewhere over the 5 liter mark throughout the 8 hour celebration. See the fantastic glasses in the picture? One of them may have “fallen” into my bag and made it home with me. How did that happen??? We had an absolute blast in the German Beer Hall dancing on the tables/benches pretending we kew what the hell was going on. I’m sure we fit right in with all the other Germans there... loving life, and beer. In fact, let me take this time to tell you, that is what they do here, they love life everyday with coffee, beer, and wurst (not to mention the rather short workdays). If you couldn’t tell, I’m enjoying myself.
Sunday was spent......Sleeping!!! Yeah you guessed it! Upon waking from my well needed rest, I watched some live streaming coverage of the Bundestag elections here in Germany. Needless to say, Angela Merkel will once again be Bundeskanzlerin. The main upset with the election was how the right won so much this election. Turns our Germany will now be governing with a more central right influence. So, it was a win for big business and a disappointment for the more left leaning parties.

Today marked the last day of my pre semester course. So in 3 and a half weeks I managed to earn 3 American credits toward my graduation requirement. Now I’m only required to complete 9 more American credits, roughly 12 ECTS (3-4 courses). I’m going to start out this semester taking about 6, decide which ones I like, then drop one or two. Taking only 4-5 courses here should leave a lot of free time during the week, enough to perfect my resume and start the job search while I’m still here. Wish me luck...