Thursday, September 3, 2009

Café Pause, and Frankfurt

Grüsse von Deutschland!

I've been here for nearly 2 days now, and decided to get this blog set up. Hopefully, having this will keep you all informed of my adventures, trials, and tribulations of my journey.

My first day was rather overwhelming, to say the least. My plane arrived early (about 45 minutes early), but actually crossing the gate through Passportkontrolle more than took up the extra time I had gained from the flight. More about the flight, if you choose an aisle seat, PLEASE don't lean up on the person next to you when he/she is trying to sleep. It makes for an uncomfortable flight, and certainly, don't SNORE! Anyways...

Café Pause might possibly be my favorite place in all of Frankfurt, so far at least. Great food and drinks, cheap prices, wonderful staff, and oh yeah, free internet! It looks like I won't have internet in my dorm until the beginning of October. And even then its restricted to 6GB/month. No streaming netflix or hulu :-(

We also won't have our transit passes until Oct 1, so each day for unlimited transit its 5,80€. Rather expensive, but since it will be free for 5 months, I suppose it would make up the difference. The subway stop is right by my dorm, so its really convenient. Only about 4-5 stops down is Campus Bockenheim, Westend is another 3 down I believe. FYI don't take cabs. WAY to expensive. Though it is rather fun to be traveling 180km/hr weaving through traffic (by fun I of course mean terrifying...).

The weather here has been good, pretty much the same as Milwaukee so no changes there...

Well I'm off!
Schöner Tag!


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