Monday, September 7, 2009


My apologies for not writing again sooner, but our beloved internet at the Cafe was not working the past few days... I miss all of you back home, but really am enjoying my time here in Frankfurt as I get more settled and used to my surroundings :-)

This past weekend was a total blast for me! On Friday some friends and I wandered around the city some more, went to a mall on Zeil where I fell in love with the store Gant. Yep, tried on the best black trench coat, but it was 400 euros...a little out of my price range ;-) After that we returned home, lounged a bit, then my friend
Laura, Doris, and I went out to Pulse. Pretty much the equivalent of La Cage, but WAY better. We danced our asses off there, had only a few drinks because they were 8 euro each, then came home at about 430AM. Saturday El's family came to town so she hung out with them and Laura and I decided to do a little grocery shopping. I wound up sleeping until about 2PM and by the time Laura and I left the dorm it was a good 5PM. While walking to the grocery store, we happened by a Straßenfest, or Street festival. The Festival was on Leipzizger Straße and lasted all night, so naturally Laura and I stopped off there for a *few* beers and of course some wurst...and crepes...and pastries. After indulging ourselves we listened to the bands set up on
small stages. We were utterly surprised to hear a rather short version of Abba's "Dancing Queen" and a rather fun version of "Lady Marmalade" from Moulin Rouge. We then ran into some friends, went home, and had a cheese/wine/wurst/bread fest in our kitchen with the food we just bought (if you haven't caught on by now we pretty much just eat bread, cheese, and
wurst..oh and drink beer, which by the way is fantastic). After finishing our delicious feast, Laura and I wern't ready for bed (1AM) so we decided to head out to a bar in Konstablerwache called "Zum Schwejk," the German version of "This is It." This place was utterly fantastic and
I will definitely will be back!

We came home around 330AM and went to bed. Sunday was also fabulous. We had another epic lie-in until about 1PM and decided to go see the Main River,
because I had not seen it yet. Well, along our journey there, we found YET ANOTHER street festival that severely delayed us getting to the
river. Again, beer, wurst, bretzeln mit Käse (warm pretzel with melted cheese), crepes, roasted nuts, more beer... Long story short, we had a blast there, and did finally make it to the river, around 9 or 10PM. After taking some pictures there, we walked to the nearest bar for of course another refreshing beer (or 2) and some traditional cheese from Frankfurt. It was the consistency of a brie and monterey jack (ish) with vinegar and onions all over it...DELISH. We also had a couple frankfurters and some saurkraut, also delish!

Today I started my class, which should be interesting. I have homework
already :-( Anyways, I still have to work out my online banking, which is proving to be rather
difficult. FYI most
bankers here aren't the most helpful people...

Ich muss jetzt noch ein Wurst kaufen, weil ich hunger habe!

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